Laverne and Shirley
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Two and a Half Men
Now, I’m going to bet the farm that you were able to get somewhere with the top 3 but had to either reach or give up on number 4. Why? TV Theme Songs, particularly sitcoms, are a lost art. The song was part of the show and part of the event of tuning in. It told you about what you were going to watch and invited the viewer in like an old or new friend. The songs were timeless. The songs were positive. The songs are now classics and they lasted longer than the quick 20 second “song bites” that are today’s “theme songs”.These songs play into customer service on two levels:
First, today’s customer service tends to be somewhat forced, fast and mechanical just like modern sitcom themes. You don’t get that feeling of wanting to tune in again next week or rush out to by the 45 rpm (God, I just dated myself there). Every week you were tuning in to be invited into the lives of these characters you loved to visit. How many places of business can you say that about?
A simple smile or genuine kind tone of voice can alter someone’s bad day and give them hope. Everyone who enters the doors of your establishments has a story. It’s up to us to be listening and be aware that that guest, who is relying on us to get them through a rough day, reaches that positive goal. We don’t know what that guest has been through that day. As far as you know, they may have been thinking about suicide and your employees smile just gave them the spark or glimmer of hope they needed to quell that thought process.
There will never be another M*A*S*H, Happy Days, All in the Family or any of the shows I have mentioned here. Sure today’s sitcoms are funny but they lack a couple of things the old ones had. Their short the killer theme song and they lack heart. Help your customer service staff find its heart. Be the composer of a memorable sincere hook that will want people “to go where everybody knows their name”.
Now if you would excuse me, the Mork and Mindy all day laugh-a-thon is on. Shazbot! Nano-Nano!
This blog was inspired by a Tweet from Tristan Bishop (@knowledgebishop)
Finally had a quiet minute to read this post Ty - as usual, thought provoking, entertaining, and bulls-eye on the topic of customer service. I feel compelled to add that anything that goes to the heart of making your customers feel appreciated, respected and remembered - is equally applicable to your employees. They are inextricably linked - unless you are in a widget business. Thanks for the smiles and the wisdom! Joni